Kekoa Collective - Mindful Living

Mindful Living - We speak with Dawn O'Brien - We spoke about the " choose love movement".An angry thought can be changed. The Choose Love Movement is teaching children and adults how they can choose love. The Sandy Hook tragedy started with an angry thou

Kekoa Collective, Dawn O'Brien, Dewey Doan and Bret Thompsett

How does one transform a teen-aged girl from Hilo, Hawaii into a powerful spokesperson? A self-confessed “Big Mouth for a Big God” – Dawn O’Brien is a media personality with more than 30 years in mega-church, radio, TV, Internet, books and social media expertise. She’s the long-time host of the Dawn of a New Day program and hosts on YouTube “Watch, share, dare to love!” Dawn fell in love with Jesus at 14 and compellingly speaks words of life and hope! We spoke about Choose Love Movement as a tool to help alleviate bullying, mass shooting among our youth.